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    50 Count Gift Box
CandyCrisp Apple
CandyCrisp Apple

CandyCrisp® Apple
50 Count Gift Box

On sale $88.00 $82.00
CandyCrisp Apple 50 Count Apple Gift Box
#: CandyCrisp-50
Availability: Order Today


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50 CandyCrisp® apples, shipped in a gift box with a soft foam insert that provides a beautiful presentation and helps prevent shipping damage.  Fresh CandyCrisp® apples shipped from the farm to your door by UPS. We will include your personalized gift message along with your apples. Let us know if you have any special requests.  Note:  Because CandyCrisp are so juicy (lays under the skin) and a yellow apple they bruise very easy.  While not always, some minor bruising could be expected in shipment.

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