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Honeycrisp Apple Bushel Case Jumbo 36-56 Count (risk of bruising)
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Honeycrisp Apple
Honeycrisp Apple Bushel Case Jumbo 36-56 Count (risk of bruising)
Your Price:
JUMBO Honeycrisp apples, available in a 33-38lb case (36-48-56 apples)
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Honeycrisp apple, approximately 33-38lb Case of JUMBO size (very large) depending on availability this will be a 36-48-56 case of apples, fresh and crunchy. This is an extra special gift to yourself or a way to make friends. Email us with any special shipping requests. We also include any special message you would like with your order. Honeycrisp will store for four months in the bottom of your fridge. (Shipping in cases runs a risk of bruising, but saves Money)
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